The number 5 armour on this list is hallowed armour. Hallowed armour is number 5 because of it's boost of 100 mana (big boost).It also gives you a 7% critical strike chance along with an 8% movement speed.It is crafted from 54 hallowed bars (these are only dropped from the 3 mechanichal bosses The Destroyer,The Twins,and Skeletron Prime. These are only in hardmode and summoned by the mechanical worm(destroyer) the mechanical eye(twins)and the mechanical skull(skeletron prime).
The number 4 armour is chlorophyte armour this armour is a great armour because the full set provides a magical leaf to float over your head and do a good amount of damage (30-50) it also has a big amount of defense points it also looks really cool and it increases critical strike chance and your speed. But chlorophyte is really hard to find spleunker potions help alot.It is crafted from 54 chlorophyte bars or 324 chlorophyte ore.It is hard to craft but with some work you should get it in no time.Chlorophyte is a hardemode armour by the way and needs atleast a 200% pic power to mine (a picaxe axe or the drax).
The number 2 armour wich by the way is my personal favorite turtle armour it reflects 100% damage done to you back on to the attacker so if a zombie did 3 damage the zombie would take 3 damage. Also enemys attack you much more while wearing the full set.It is crafted from 3 turtle shells dropped by tortises found in the jungle and 54 chlorophyte bars or 324 chlorophyte ore.
Ok here is my number one armour in terraria. It is beetle armour it has 72 defense it increases your melee speed and your regular speed.It is crafted from the full turtle armour set and 18 beetle husks which are dropped from the golem in the lihzard temple.
Well this is my terraria top 5 armours if you liked it then please follow for more after 5 people follow I will make a top 5 swords for terraria. This is my first ever website and thank you for viewing.Also try my fnaf website fnaf site